IPAT carries out consultations in Comoros
IPAT provided support to UNDP’s peacebuilding programme in the Comoros Islands in July 2014. In coordination with the local UN Peace and Development Advisor, IPAT met with a range of governmental and civil society actors on Grand Comore Island, exploring local perceptions on the challenges and the opportunities for enhancing social and political cohesion in the Islands. Actors included government ministers and parliamentarians, political parties, non-governmental organizations (youth, trade unions, women and business organisations), academics, journalists and traditional authorities. Following these consultations, IPAT has advised on multistakeholder approaches that would be relevant to the Comoran context, notably possible entry points for a dialogue process. The findings and recommendations are to be validated at the UN Country Team conflict-analysis workshop scheduled to take place between late September and October, with the participation of government officials and civil society actors from all three islands of Grand Comore, Anjouan and Mohéli. Further avenues for IPAT engagement will then be explored.